Membership Contributions
Joining Permaculture Hunter is good for you.
It opens up a host of opportunities. You’ll have fun and learn by doing; share ideas and experiences with others. You’ll be part of something, and contribute to the people and the world around you.
We have regular get-togethers (our meetings) where we hear, see, and do permaculture. We take time to exchange ideas and enjoy each others’ company over refreshments and a shared meal afterwards.
Our members also run a variety of other gatherings and events during the year that you’ll love: seasonal workshops, garden rambles, nature journaling, and tool maintenance days. There’s always something to look forward to.
All of our activities are free for Permaculture Hunter members. Visitors are welcome*. There’s also our regular newsletters with articles and links to our broad network of allied groups, and a very active Facebook page.
*$5 cash contribution for casual attendance, deducted from your annual membership contribution when you join.
Join our Newsletter mailing list or Facebook group to be informed of upcoming events.

Members and casual members only
Member meetings
Our meetings are held every other month from March to November. They are hands-on: we talk about practices and techniques, see examples of them in action, and you get to implement them right then; asking questions all along the way so you feel confident to try it yourself at your place.
Our meetings are free for members
(casual attendance is welcome – see above).

Members and casual members only
Field events and gatherings
Our members also run a variety of other gatherings and events during the year that you’ll love: seasonal workshops, garden rambles, nature journaling, and tool maintenance days.
Our gatherings and events are free for members
(casual attendance is welcome – see above).